About COOS
Our Meetings
Membership in COOS will give you the opportunity to socialize with other orchid enthusiasts while you learn more of the beauty, culture and history of orchids. There are programs for beginners as well as for the more experienced orchid grower. We invite you to attend a meeting as a guest and see for yourself the excitement that orchids generate.
COOS is an affiliate member of the American Orchid Society and the Canadian Orchid Congress and makes use of the many resourses offered there.
The society holds meetings ten months of the year in Kitchener. Our meetings are social events with a focus on learning all about orchids and their culture. We have a regular programme of guest speakers and slide/video shows to illustrate the many kinds of orchids, their habitat and culture. Included are demonstrations on how to grow orchids successfully in a home environment.
As a member you will enjoy:
- Guest speakers
- Sales of orchid plants
- Plant raffles
- A show table of member's plants
- Refreshments
- A lending library
- An emporium for growing supplies
- The expertise of more experienced growers
- Social activities
Membership fees are for the calendar year and provide funds for meeting space, for speakers at our meetings and for other operational expenses. There is a special reduced membership fee for students.
To join the society or renew your membership please fill in the form - Membership Application/Renewal and either bring it to a meeting or mail it with your fee to the address supplied.
The Central Ontario Orchid Society Constitution and Bylaws approved January 2008.
Orchid Shows
The major event of the year for the society is our annual orchid show and sale to be held the last weekend of September. It's our opportunity to show the public the beauty and diversity of orchids. Orchid vendors and other orchid societies are invited to participate. The judges of the American Orchid Society select plants that are deserving to be recognized by an award.
Our Show Committee starts planning early for a show venue, advertising, sales and judging.
As a member you may:
- Assist in organizing the show
- Learn how to build a winning display
- Present your orchids in the society display
- Participate in the judging
- Thrill to win an award
- Meet other orchid enthusiasts, judges and vendors
- Purchase plants before the show opens
Our society reciprocates with other orchid societies in the area by providing a display at each of their annual shows. There are many opportunities to connect with vendors and other orchid growers.